Kraków 20 – 22 September 2023
We kindly invite you to attend NUTECH 2023.
The conference will be held from 20th to 22nd of September 2023 at AGH University of Science technology in Krakow, Poland. NUTECH 2023 is a triannual conference jointly organized by AGH-UST together with Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw, Polish Chemical Society and Polish Nuclear Society. It is a continuation of the National Symposia on Applications of Nuclear Techniques in Industry, Agriculture, Medicine and Environment Protection, which have been held in Poland since 1960. The NUTECH conference provides a platform for the nuclear science community to share the experience and to learn about the recent developments achieved in nuclear research and their practical applications.
Conference scope and topics:
NUTECH covers a wide range of topics that are related to different uses of nuclear technologies, ranging from nuclear energy to nuclear medicine and the whole spectrum of industrial applications of nuclear techniques.
Institute of Molecular Chemistry of Reims, University de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, UMR CNRS, France
„Radiation-induced cross-linking polymerization: Recent developments for coating and composite applications”
Texas A&M University, USA
„Electron beam mediated thermally-enhanced radiolysis responsible for PFAS degradation in soils”
Head of Institute for Physical Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany
„From TENORM to Superheavy Element Chemistry: Measurement of Alpha Emitters”
Chairman of International Irradiation Association
„International Trends in Irradiation Technologies and Markets”