Registration in Microsoft CMT:
Before submitting your article, you have to create account in Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT).
First, access the conference page in the CMT system via the „Submit your Work” tab in the menu.
Then click the Register link, which is shown in the attached image.
Once the form is correctly filed and the email is confirmed, it will be possible to log into the CMT system. You should log in using the same tab as above.
After logging in, the author Console window will open.
To add a submission, click the „create new submission” button, marked in the attached image.
Please note, the button will be inactive before 15:00 on 30.01
Next fill in all required fields.
Remember that only submissions will be considered, with an uploaded abstract file prepared according to the guidelines.
Abstract requirements
The abstract should be a maximum of 3500 characters (with spaces) counting including the title and bibliography. The overall volume should fit on one page even if figures and tables are used.
The abstract template is available for download below. Please follow the style and articulation. Do not change the style of the template, type or copy the abstract there.
Then it should be uploaded during submission as a file with a .docx or .doc extension. Before, rename the file to include the presenter’s name, preferably: NUTECH2023_Surname_Name
Awaiting decision
Once the form is submitted correctly, your application will gain the status of Awaiting Decision.
If your application changes status to accepted, you will be notified by the chair in e-mail. Payment details you get along with notification of acceptance of your submission.
Additional poster presentation
Each participant is eligible to submit an additional poster presentation within one conference fee.
Follow the same procedure as for the first submission.
In case of additional submission, please mark „Second” in the submission number question.
Poster orientation vertical, format A0